Big Bend Real Estate Guide May 2020 | Page 15

,FMMZ8JMMJBNT #SPLFS   4UBUF4U'PSU%BWJT 5Y       1IPOFŠ Š &NBJMJOGP!EBWJTNPVOUBJOTSFBMUZDPN    4FFBMMPGNZMJTUJOHTBUIUUQTXXXEBWJTNPVOUBJOTSFBMUZDPN        In the DMR on Low Meadow   custom built 2br 2ba stucco steel frame home on 5.7+/- acres. Tile flooring, wood burning stove, p propane wall  heating, evaporative cooler, metal roof. Beautiful  v views, landscaped withmany fruit trees, well and septic. Storage       ,000. shed. -XVWUHGXFHGWR$  In the DMR on Cedar Trail  1br 1ba stuccohome on almost 17 acres. Satillo tile flooring throughout. French doors open to covered back deck with hot tub and spectacular views. Property  is on edge of subdivision adjacent to and overlooking large ranch.  Allappliances and some furniture will convey. $268,000.  In the D0 0 5  R R Q  7 7 H M D Q R  7 7 U D L O  br 2ba 0DQXIDFWXUHGhome on        7ZRFDUPHWDO    + acres&HQWUDODLUKHDWDQGZRRGVWRYH DWWDFKHG  JDUDJH  6WRUDJHworkshop, :HOO  VHSWLF  59  KRRNXS, amazing views. $195,000. , Q  ) ) R U W  ' ' D Y L V  ( ( V W D W H V  R R Q  6 6 J W  0 X O K H U Q  / / R R S   EUEDKRPH    RQ    IHQFHG  DFUHV  &HQWUDO  DLU  DQG  KHDW  RSHQ  IORRU  SODQ  ERQXV  URRP  WKDW  FRXOG  EH  XVHG  IRU  RIILFH  $WWDFKHG  WZR  FDUJDUDJHEDFNSDWLRVWRUDJHEXLOGLQJ                 In Crow’s Nest on Dave St. 0ountainside two story home on 5.3  acres. 2br 2ba, upstairs office or additional sleeping space. 6WXQQLQJ  YLHZV  IURP  OLYLQJGLQLQJ  DUHD. Wood  burning fireplace, propane heaters, heat pump for upstairs./arge covered   decks. Storage building w/bathroom. Appliances included. Water well share agreement, two septics. $190,000. w In the DMR on Bandolero Trail  1br 1ba home on 5.4 acres heavily wooded with season creek. Bonus room that could be bedroom. Enclosed front porch, metal roof, u used as office or2nd  stove and electric wall heaters. Some  e evaporative cooling,wood Well & Septic. $129,000  f fencing. Workshop, Storagebuilding. , Q  / L P S L D  & U R V V L Q J  R Q  & O H D U  9 L H Z  ' U   EU    ED  0DQXIDFWXUHG  KRPH  RQ    DFUHV  )RUPDO  GLQLQJ  DUHD  FUDIWRIILFH  DUHD  RII  RI  XWLOLW\  URRP  &HQWUDO  DLUKHDW  ZHOO  ZDWHU  WDQN  DQG  VHSWLF  :RQGHUIXO  YLHZV  RII  RI  EDFN  GHFN             In the DMR on Tomahawk Trail   1br 1ba with bonus room and sunroom on 5+ acres. Amazing views from front and side decks. Open floor plan with kitchen, dining and living room combo in O great  room. Wood burning stove, propane heaters and evaporative and window a/c  metal roof, RV hookup, some appliances. $199,950. , Q   W K H   ' 0 5   R Q   & R F K L V H   & D Q \ R Q   7 U D L O 1br 1ba timber frame cement board sided home on 7.8+ acres. Covered front porch and observation deckto  take in amazing views, and star gaze. Solar panels and generator. TwoStorage building. Metal roof, wood burning stove  and propane heating.:DWHUZHOODQG6HSWLF               , Q  ) W   ' D Y L V  R Q  3 R Q G H U R V D  & R X U W   LQ 0RXQWDLQ 9,HZ Easy a 6XEGLYVLRQ 8SGDWHG EU ED 0DQXIDFWXUHG KRPH RQ MXVW RYHU  RI DQ DFUH &HQWUDO DLU DQG KHDW IRUPDO GLQLQJ URRP QHZ IORRULQJ QHZHU DSSOLDQFHV IHQFHG \DUG GHWDFKHGFDUSRUWZLWKVWRUDJHZRUNVKRS           , Q W W K H ' ' 0 5 R R Q + + L J K / / R Q H V R P H  EUEDPHWDOVLGHGKRPH 2 RQDFUHV0DJQLILFHQWYLHZVLGHDOIRUDVWURQRP\7ZR  Electric GRPHVDQGVL[WHOHVFRSHSDGV:DWHUFDWFKPHQWVHSWLF w  :RRGEXUQLQJVWRYHVFUHHQHGRXWGRRUDUHD           In/ / L P S L D & & U R  V V L Q J R R  Q + + L G G H Q 9 9 D O O H \ . EUEDFXVWRPEXLOW    DGREH  KRPH RQ   DFUHV  &HQWUDO DLU ZRRG EXUQLQJ      ILUHSODFHLQIORRUKHDWLQJ%RQXVURRPWKDWFRXOGEHXVHG          DV GHQ RIILFH RU WK EHGURRP 0HWDO URRI IHQFHG       EDFN\DUG  JDUGHQ ZLWK DERYH JURXQG EHGV EDFN GHFN  $WWDFKHGWZRFDUFDUSRUWDQGRXWEXLOGLQJ          Call Today... 432-238-5265 Alpine, TX Lic# 58937WKLP 14 Big Bend Real Estate Guide • May 2020